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Friday, April 22, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

College Life (Part 1)

I consider it as one of my best days in life. How ironic it is as I start writing about my college life and Kak Feri who is the IT Officer from my college suddenly called me to have a review or survey on the former students by asking where am I working and my position in my company. The minute I saw the caller was ‘Socit’ which actually means School Of Computing and IT which is now changed to SCE (School of Computing and Engineering), my mind travelled all the way back when I used to get call from the same number asking me why I didn’t attend my class, or to inform me that my class have been cancelled. Those were the days.

I still remember after SPM which I took in 2005, I was basically helping my dad and that was the time he shifted office. So I was doing that assisting him till my results were released in March 2006. The question that most of the people asked me what was I going to do next or what am I interested in studying and the only thing that I would tell them is Computing or something to do with computer. I don’t know why but I have always like to do computing maybe because I used to always play computer games (House of The Dead) at that time. The next question that would pop out is which College or University was I going to join. One of my uncles who two of his daughters have studied at MMU (Multimedia University) told me to apply there. Initially not so interested, I slowly started getting interested despite the fact that I had to be away from home but I’m not going to any stranger’s land as I have my uncle’s and aunties there. So with the assistance of my cousin sister, I filled up the MMU form and waited for the reply. In the meanwhile, I also applied for Unisel, Open University and a few more institution. Finally the most awaited reply from MMU came and it was disappointing as the application was rejected. Thanks to my cousin sister who I thought she would have experience in all this according to my uncle. Instead of applying for a foundation course or diploma course, she applied for a Degree course. From Form 5 straight to Degree? Who won’t reject and I was so naive that I didn’t know about it. It was already late then as the next intake was in October which was way long.

Then a reply from Open University came by. I went with my dad and liked the campus and we even paid for the course. Then one of the personal looked at me and asked me ‘Are you working?’ to which I replied ‘No’. She then asked me ‘Then why are you studying part time? You are still young. U can learn full time courses outside what. Open University is for part time courses’, she said. Me and my dad looked at each another with a reaction ‘What did we just do?’.. Lol.. They also scared us that we can’t refund the payment we made. After meeting a few people, luckily my data was not entered into the system yet where we were still able to get our full re-fund. Now back to square one. Where to study? My mum then showed me the newspaper. It was Inti College’s advertisement. My mother asked me and my father to go and enquire. If everything is fine, enroll myself there which I was not so happy about. My cousin brother who also studied IT followed us so that we don’t make another mistake. My first impression was that it is a college and not a university. Secondly, the orange color three storey building looks like a normal secondary school. Didn’t looked like a college at all. I wasn’t so happy and the counselor who explained to me said I have to do Diploma and he showed me his own version of career path. He said I need to complete my Diploma in order to do my Degree course. So it was September 2006 intake. I enrolled on a Thursday and my next class was the next day. So the next day I looked lost. My father would send and fetch me daily. My class had many people but it still came as a change to me that the college life is different from schooling life. Words like lecturers, assignments, projects, presentations were alien to me. Then it was the next week which was the second week of the semester. I had this lecturer called Ms Angela Lee. She was young, pretty and very friendly and I was almost the first to always finish her lessons. It was around the same time the Crocodile Hunter passed away. So during my class, Miss Angela was randomly asking all the students. ‘How many credits did you get for your SPM results?’ and everyone was answering with 1 or 2 credits

My turn came and she asked me. I replied 8 credits. She and most of my classmates looked shocked. ‘U got 8 credits? And what are you doing here in Diploma? Do you intend to do Degree?’I answered ‘Yes, but the counselor who guided me about the course said I have to do Diploma first before doing Degree and my results can’t enter for foundation’. ‘Who said? I am the HOP (Head of Programme) for Foundation. Never mind, meet me after two at my office. She also called my father and she herself made all the necessary needs to transfer me to Degree within the same day. My dad came and she did all the changes and printed out my new timetable and asked me to start at my new class from the next day. I was missing the diploma class though it was only my second class and I hardly know anyone yet. Even my dad said that Ms Angela was a very nice and friendly lecturer. So the next day I started my class which was on a Friday. I had a class from 11am till 1pm and I entered that class and everyone in the class turned and looked at me. It was a lab class and it was Ms Mellisa Kaur’s class. A really arrogant lecturer I will say. The only lecturer I hated throughout my course at Inti. They asked me ‘The intake is still open for this semester? How come you just joined?’ and I had to explain the whole scenario of my entry to Diploma and how I entered Foundation. Most of the students were the smart type. There were basically two groups.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

She’s Just A Friend

She told me of her fears today
In hope that I could make them go away
She never thought, how could she have known
That I’m no different, I have fears of my own

I’m afraid that seeing her almost everyday
I won’t be able to keep my thoughts at bay
When you’re in love and only friends she wants to be
You must expect heartache, of this most agree

So I’ll put on a brave face, if not only for her
And knowing my happiness I will need to defer
I’ll hide all my feelings and continue to pretend
That I’m not in love with her and she’s just a friend

This blog has been kinda dead ever since i started Tumblr.But now many people knows dat blog and i feel one kind to post how i really feel. But who cares, i have my back up and i'm back to my old Jaan.. So most of my important posts will be on Tumblr while more personal post such has poems and stories will be up HERE!!! Yeah, i've turn into a writer now.. lol

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Back!

Guess you would have seen this many times till now....
Everytime i say i want to blog, i somehow feel lazy to do so.. lol

Well, what shall i talk bout as i was missing for a while...

Firstly, it's Chinese New Year break (i'm in the second last day of the break).. Gosh, time passes by very fast. I remember goin to college on Friday(12/02/2010) which the college was mostly empty. In fact, even my classroom had only bout 4 people including me. The roads were empty and it's really nice to see the usual busy Subang Jaya SS15 being quiet and peaceful with less people walking around.

Went back home and then on Saturday, my parents started attending a seminar called 'Shivyog' whereby it's a course conducted by Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji from India and i usually go for the Satsang which is opened in Malaysia every two Saturdays once. The seminar which is held for the first time in Malaysia is for 1 week.

Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji

Since it's everyday for one week, my parent goes out daily and i'm left at home only with my siblings. Then it was Sunday and it's the day the whole world was going ga-ga about.. It was 'Valentines Day' and it was not really a special day for me as i'm still SINGLE. Let's see if it will be a meaningful day for me in the coming years. Well, spent the whole day watching romantic movies on tv and Facebooking with people talking bout love. lol In fact, this year.. The 'Valentines Day' overshadowed the Chinese New Year and i barely had the feeling that it was CNY and it was rather quiet than the sound of Fire-Crackers.

On Wednesday, people start going back to work and i had to be in charge in the absence of my parents and had to look into my parents business. Guess what.. I reached Bangsar from P.J in just 5 mins rather than the usual 15 to 20 min. The road was so empty and the atmosphere was like its gonna rain anytime soon. It was a great feeling to drive in that situation with some cool songs being played in my car cd player. Days passed by and i keep saying to myself that i have to start doing my assignment but i keep delaying it up to today and i've just started. (Last minute work as usual).. All i'm hoping now is a week with no problems and i'm really looking forward for my Thursday class to be over coz it's holiday on Friday and it will be followed up bu Saturday and Sunday.

That's it for now and see ya in my next post. =)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009!

Before i start off with other things, after watching the movie 'Avatar', i wanted to know how will i look with my own 'Avatar' and the result is as below!


Cool rite?

Okey, let me talk about what has happened in the past few days... Firstly, i'm working at my college again but there is a change! This time, i'm working in the ICT Department instead of Marketing Department. (Finally a job related to my field of studies).. My job is very easy as to take instructions by Mr Anba and Mr Rusdi and just do stuffs like Installing Printers, Setting up pc's, Sharing Printers, Ghosting and Burning cd's such as Students Handbook! Less tiring but interesting job and thx to Priscilla ka for calling me to this job! We even have our Name Card! lol

Well, today is the last day in 2009 and a lot of things have happened very fast (12 months went by so fast).. There were good things and bad things but i overall don't really like 2009 coz people have changed, came across some unwanted people in my life and at the same time, i have had stronger bond with my friends and relation. Hope everything will be better in 2010 and it will be a year filled with success and happiness! Happy New Year Guys! =)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Like i mentioned in my earlier post, i'm gonna write my view on the movie Avatar!

The keyword when i first heard about the movie was 'James Cameron'... Who can ever forget his awesome and majestic love story of all time.. 'Titanic'.. Released somewhere in 1997, the movie still remains fresh in my memory for being one of the finest movie due to the lavish and grandeur set. So all these raised my expectation meter for this movie.

So i managed to watch it in 2D and the starting few minutes was kinda boring! TILL we were introduced to the Na'Vi where we meet blue/purple people who are tall, has tail and can talk as well and worship Eywa (Mother Goddess).!


Then we learn that the humans can't breath in Pandora and the human scientists have genetically engineered human-Na’vi hybrids called avatars, which are controlled by genetically matched human operators. The Avatar looks alike like the human body! The hero who is Sam Worthington was good in his role! It was really good to see how the Avatar was shot using computer graphics and technology.


As for the storyline of the movie, i felt it was quite basic where the opponent sends the hero for a task but once he is there, he tries to woo the heart of everyone and ends up falling in love. And due to that, he changes side and tries to protect the ones he loves and he wins at last. But what really impressed me was the color and how each details was shot. Really good.


The sequences involves Jace and Ney'thri was really funny and good with quotes like 'I See You' and 'Your like a baby, making noise and don't know what to do'. Overall, it's a movie not to be missed and James Cameron is back with a blockbuster!