
Monday, December 14, 2009


It was a great weekend i will say after going through my boring timetable!
Well, i left to Malacca on Friday nite around 11pm and reached there around 3am (Saturday) and the road was clear! Reached there within 1 and half hour!

Saturday (12/12/2009)

* Look at the date, looks nice rite with the double '12'... It will look nicer with the triple '12' which in the year 2012.

Well, woke up at 9am to the sound of my cuzzins and my aunties talking! So, was watching tv and around 12pm, took my mother, aunty and cuzzin sisters to Tesco to do shopping for the night function. And the Tesco was right opposite the new Jusco and i have to say that the new Jusco is really big but it made me laugh on why did they open right opposite Tesco! lol
Besides that, the new Jusco is said to be the biggest in Asia and due to open on the 17th!! Wow
As we went back, another of my uncle came down from KL for the function and time passed by so fast and it was 6p and most of my relations were already here.


Have i told what celebration was it?
Well, it was my 21st birthday celebration organized by my uncles, aunties and my cuzzins!
By 9pm, the house was packed and i have to say that the food that was catered was really delicious. In fact, many of them took 2nd or 3rd round! lol
All of us were waiting for my dad who came late due to work and the cake came out!


Because the cake was 3kg! It was so HUGE and i was not the only one who was in shock! Moreover, it was an chocolate ice-cream cake! =)
After cutting, everyone was feeding me the cake and taking pics with me
(that moment made me felt like an celebrity... lol) And of course i have some of my aunties and cuzzins who applied the cream as the make-up on my face and shirt! Haizzz.....After that, the guys carried out with their table talk and we the youngsters were watching Saw from episode 1 till 5am! About the movie, it was okey, disgusting and clever screenplay! I only slept after the movie was over.

Sunday (13/12/2009)

Despite sleeping at 5am, i managed to woke up at 9am (record-breaking for me)
Chit-chat here and there and went to Tesco to make some purchasing again. Was so exhausted walking as all the cars were taken out! Came back and took lunch and decided to watch 2012 with the whole family
(whole family practically means including my uncles and auntie's family!)
Saw the timing and decided to go for the 3pm show but by the time all decide on who's goin and who is not, it was late and we postponed to 8.5opm show. So decided to rest as all were still feeling tired because of the function from the previous nite! But at 5pm, my mother and uncle wanted to go to Tesco (again......) to make some purchase! Came back at 6pm and all start to get ready as some of my uncles were getting ready to come back to K.L
So at 8pm, left to Dataran Pahlawan to watch the movie 2012 (
2nd round for me) and guess wat, we got the 3rd row from the screen and it was packed even after all these weeks! =(
The movie finished at 11.45pm and was looking for some chinese restaurant for dinner but many closed as it was late and Sunday.
End-up at a Mamak Restaurant and was having funny chat on 'What if the earthquake happens now?' and much more funny thing about 2012...
Reached back home at 12.15am (Monday) and packed all my things to come back to K.L and reached here at 3am and it was time to go to bed!

Rating : Overall, it was a Fun-Packed weekend and i really had a very good 21st celebration and a BIG thanks to all who made my day! Wished if i could rewind the time =)

p/s: Photos will be updated later.


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